Thursday 9 February 2012

Project Islamabad 2111

The world has gone through tough times in the last 100 years. The earth has shifted its orbit, and is now 2 km further from the sun. This has had a dramatic effect on the earth and almost all of the people are dead. Few places are warm enough to be inhabitable.
Islamabad is one of those places due to its proximity to the tropic of cancer. at a temperature of -20c, humans are thriving there. Resplendent in their black fur coats (to absorb more heat) they live comparatively simple lives. They also keep gas masks with them at all times. In case of red mists you see. Red mists are winds that come from the west containing radiation.
The west had always been stupid. They had caused this cold through nuclear war. They had doomed the world. And now, all that they had left to the earth was a destructive red mist. Most people called it the “mist of death”. The overly superstitious people thought that the Americans had been devils, who had cast a curse on the world.
Islamabad had once been a busy, thriving metropolis. It was now fairly reminiscent of Siberia a hundred years ago, cold damp and practically bursting with radiation. Life was very different from the optimistic predictions of a hundred years ago. Rather than flying around in hover cars people would walk everywhere. They couldn’t risk a high carbon emission. That would probably make even Islamabad uninhabitable. Of course the need for transportation vehicles has also lessened. With less than 10 percent of the old earth still inhabitable faster transport wasn’t required. The main remaining inhabitable places are Islamabad, the center of India, parts of china and southern Japan.   
Another issue was that due to the red mist the frost in the air had been radiated too and thus dangerous for human survival. To tackle deaths at the hands of the snow, the citizens of Islamabad built tall structures which were interlinked with roads. Islamabad was also referred to as “the city of the sky”. It had the current greatest population of 2500 people. The humans had once reproduced like rats but the radiation had altered the human DNA. Only a few had the gift of new life. Even then it wasn’t easy as with every new life there was the problem of satisfying hunger and other necessities of life.
The city in the skies is enclosed in artificial ozone with special radiation repelling properties.Sometimes people brave the radiation outside in an attempt to explore, to re-discover. All of them have he map from seen the maps of the old age but none of them believe that the world is still like its former self, what with all the earthquakes, volcano eruptions, meteorite attacks and tsunamis.
All in all, the entire world is in a dismal state. With so much radiation, 80 percent of living organisms have died out. And all of this because of the human need, the need for progress.  

Saturday 4 February 2012

The Mighty Indus ( Blank Verse / Iambic Pentameter poem)

So it was that the five rivers blended
In to a mix of frenzied distortion
It became known as the Mighty Indus
King of the mountains, the Asian Emperor
Carrier of the joy of the poor folk
The silt that grows the joy of the farmer

Friday 3 February 2012

Awakening ( Short Story) ( Draft 1 )

(( This will be revised to make the character more solid and to change the ending a bit))


“It’s the crabs!-“

Thus were the first thoughts that I can remember thinking. I didn’t know why, they just were so. After thinking them, there is a great gap in my memory, up to the point where I woke up on a strange island. The sun was high in the sky so I could see the area around me very well. It was a barren place with crackly red soil, rather how I had always imagined the planet Mars.
  I was at first content to just sit there and do nothing, but eventually I felt hungry and began to search for food around me. I found some strange sort of packed meal underneath a hillock a few miles in the east and opened it to find food. The thought “rations” passed through my mind. The food was somehow familiar to me, and so was, come to think of it, the whole area around me. Oddly familiar.
I sat down and taxed my memory to its utmost extent, and a glimmer of recognition came in reach. Excitedly, I tried to put all my focus on figuring out what I know about the place. I might have guessed given enough time, but sadly, this was not to be.
A troop of strange crab-like creatures was approaching from the east, and they, too, seemed familiar. Could they be the creatures that my first memories were about?
Intrigued by the creatures, I began to study them thoroughly. They had the bodies and legs of crabs, and were practically crabs, except for some minor differences. They were about as large as me, they moved as though they were swimming, and they had their eyes dangling in front of them on antennae-like structures. 
The creatures closed in, and formed a circle around me. Then one of them stared directly into my eyes. I felt jolted, as though there was some sort of electric contact between us. I felt like I had been reduced to a baby again, and I wanted to run up and hug those eyes, those adorable plastic looking eyes. They looked just like the eyes of little stuffed toys.  I rushed towards them, intending to hug them, when I tripped on a rock, and everything went black.

It was frightening for me beyond all imagination. I was alone and in the dark. Something was wrong. WRONG! Flashes of white began to penetrate the sheet of black. Along with them, snatches of a conversation came to me.
“Looks like they got him bad, poor chap. I hear that they have some sort of new way of looking around them by propping their eyes up on some dangly sticks.”
Were they talking about me? I tried to move, but the moment I did, the black went away and I found myself in a strange new place. I was on top of a completely frozen ocean. The scene would have been natural, had there not been blood splattered all over the ice. I saw a body nearby, and moved over to look at it. It was mine, and it seemed to be only just alive. Frightened by the other me, I ran the other way.
I found a hole in the ice, with a fishing rod next to it. I felt hungry, so I attempted to fish with it, although there was no bait. Regardless of that fact, however, a big pile of fish steadily rose up behind me. I lowered the rod into the pool to fish again, and felt something bite. I pulled it up to take the fish. Another one of the crab monsters from before had bitten on the rod and had leaped at me!
I was in the dark once more. Again came the flashes of light, I wished they would stop, it hurt my eyes.  It was very inconsiderate of whoever was doing it. Then I heard more conversation.

They just leapt at him out of the water and ripped at his face, must’ve been horrible. Hey, look, he’s moving!”

Again I awoke in unfamiliar surroundings. This time the area was all red. There was no ground, no ceiling, and no walls. It was just infinite red. I had a sword in my hand, and there were strange constructs made of flesh around me. Enemies. I charged at them and started lopping off their heads, in a sort of ecstatic frenzy. I charged them all down, but this time I was prepared, in case another crab monster appeared. And my preparation was not for naught, as after I chopped off the seventh man’s head, another crab emerged from his neck and lunged at me. However, I didn’t let it get very far. I slashed it in half before it reached me, but even so, I was once more enveloped by the darkness.
The white and the speech returned, clearer than ever before.
“Hold him steady, I think he might just wake up!”
I felt a sharp pain and opened my eyes, although strangely, I didn’t remember shutting them. I was in the white place from the dark. A hospital.

Two weeks later, I learned that I was in a mental hospital, and had been there ever since the terrorists had attacked with their new crab monsters, a result of genetic engineering. I had been on Antarctica at the time, when one of them had attacked me from a hold in the ice. This had all happened five years ago. For five years, I had fought for possession of the thing dearest to me, my mind.

Betrayal ( Poem )

(( This is meant to refer to angels and to the Devil))


"O' beauty soaring through the sky

With holy grace you do fly
Woe to mankind to whom you bow
You are immortal, tell us how
One of your order betrayed you all
For he did not heed God’s call
He took some followers with him to hell
And created out of despair a great well
This he called the great abyss
In which here was much amiss
Into a writhing inferno they shall fall
And we shall stand above them all”

Boomslang ( Poem )

(( A boomslang is a small, green, deadly snake))


“It slithers in the pale moonlight
You know it’s the end when it gives you a bite
It brings with it sorrow and despair
Only a fool would enter its lair
Beautiful yet dangerous it be
A trail of bodies, its debris
In its eyes, the night sky
Its harmless looking fangs, a lie
Coated in green, the world’s deadliest snake
Trying to find one is a big mistake”

D.D.D.D ( Poem )

Death, the inescapable
Does ever consume
Our hope, unrealizable
Which we have attempted to presume
Death to the sinners!
Despair never ending
Is the centre of our lives
But we continue mending
By adding to our sorry archives
Despair consume them all!
Devils are watching
Our sad, pathetic world
And they are forever notching
On their stone tablets pearled
Devils are the winners!
Darkness unimaginably vast
Covering as far as the eye sees
As begin to toll the last
Bell o’er the long dead seas
Darkness will make its last call

I'd like to add that the four lines which appear between each stanza form a stanza entirely of their own.

Envy ( Poem)


“Aye, it was envy that drove me to stab him that night
On that hilltop which glistened in the moonlight
Never bothering to differ between wrong and right
His eyes burned ever so bright
My dagger gleamed ever so white
Then I threw him off the great height
Suddenly I lost my newfound might
And also the will to fight
The last thing I heard was the song of a kite
Burning in my heart, ever so bright”

Poem 1 : I am a Camera ( List Poem)

                                            I am a Camera

I am a camera
Slung ‘cross my owner’s neck                                           The day at the market is over
Recording a delightful panorama                                     I will now be put away
In the market, after a battery check                                 In the trunk of the old Land Rover
                                                                                                            Until next day
Gleaming pots and pans in front of me
Lay arranged in rows of seven
A little sign nearby that I see
Says, “Note: Made in Devon”

A stack of antique swords
Dulled by the bite of time
Such as worn by ancient swords
But now coated with rime

Clothes being tossed into a dyeing vat
By a man in stained clothes
Nearby lies a little cat
Enjoying an afternoon doze

I see a dark, old, library
With volumes centuries old
A boy to a friend presents a query
As to how a tale will unfold


                                                                   Post 1 :Welcome

Thank you for taking the time out to look at this blog. We will be posting some poems and short stories here every now and then. It's our first blog, so please don't mind if the blog looks a bit ugly.