Friday 3 February 2012

Poem 1 : I am a Camera ( List Poem)

                                            I am a Camera

I am a camera
Slung ‘cross my owner’s neck                                           The day at the market is over
Recording a delightful panorama                                     I will now be put away
In the market, after a battery check                                 In the trunk of the old Land Rover
                                                                                                            Until next day
Gleaming pots and pans in front of me
Lay arranged in rows of seven
A little sign nearby that I see
Says, “Note: Made in Devon”

A stack of antique swords
Dulled by the bite of time
Such as worn by ancient swords
But now coated with rime

Clothes being tossed into a dyeing vat
By a man in stained clothes
Nearby lies a little cat
Enjoying an afternoon doze

I see a dark, old, library
With volumes centuries old
A boy to a friend presents a query
As to how a tale will unfold

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