Monday 1 April 2013

Weak Man's Drug

Fantasy, the pathetic drug of the weak-
Unfulfilling, deceiving, and pointless;
Why waste precious time with such trash, mongrel?

Aim higher, search for the pleasures of life,
Not for inconceivable, fake, phantasms.
Go far! Glory lies beyond the horizon!

Why would you, a man, trade the brimming Cup of Life
For an impossible dark and empty Grail
Which lies unsecurely founded upon a low man's mind?

Blame not the stars, you are the sole captain of your fate,
Your weakness and cowardice yours and yours alone.
Charge! Master your destiny, drink from the Cup!

Abandon all false reality and keep in mind :
All dreams must end when the dreamer wakes
Godspeed! You may yet have what it takes.

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