Wednesday 12 September 2012

The Sorting Hat's Last Song ( Post - Apocalyptic)

SORTING HAT’S SONG ( Written in an imagined time period where Hogwarts is no more)

Many hundreds of years ago,
When I was rather new,
The four founders for the first time met,
And made a school out of the blue.

So Hogwarts then came to be,
‘Twas a school of great reputation
And children would come to fill their little heads,
Generation after generation

Into four houses I would then divide them,
Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff
There firm friends would be made,
Who’d make sure life was never tough

Gryffindor chose those brave at heart,
Hufflepuff those who worked hard,
Ravenclaw preferred the smart,
And to the cunning, Slytherin opened his yard

I do not know why I still mourn
Those who are dead and gone
After all, my role is finished,
So this shall be the end of my last song