Wednesday 8 August 2012

Last Struggle of the Grey

I wrote this poem about 2-3 years back, after re-reading Lord of The Rings for the umpteenth time.
I was a bit younger then, so please forgive the standard of the poem.

(( Just to clarify, this poem is about the duel between Gandalf and the Balrog in the Mines of Moria))

With Istari grace did he fight
Striving to defend what was right

The Balrog of Morgoth was his foe
Unholy fire, could it throw

Durin's Bane was its name
Durin the Deathleass, it had slain

With whip, fire, and blade it fought
But 'twas all to be for naught

The Flames of Anor struck him down
And into the darkness it did drown

It looked as though the victor was clear,
But the Grey wizard's end too, was near

The Balrog's whip shot out for the keep,
Drums, drums in the deep

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