Wednesday 8 August 2012


AUTHOR'S NOTE: To make it clear, this story is not meant to be taken seriously, and is written for comedic purposes

Once upon a time there was a completely awesome teenager named T (The name has been hidden in the interest of maintaining anonymity).

Now, T here was one of those rare few awesome geniuses of the 21st century, and would rub it in everyone's face at every given opportunity. As could be expected, this meant that T didn't make a lot of new friends.

However, this didn't really seem to matter to him, and he was content with the few he had, as awesome people, must always learn to adapt.

T had a host of unusual idiosyncrasies. He was constantly blacking out in the middle of long talks, his mind not content with the un-awesomeness of the mundane world he lived in, teleporting his mental self to worlds like Middle-Earth, where T truly felt he belonged. T also constantly greeted his friends to acknowledge their good fortune in having become his friends. It was annoying sometimes, but his friends soon learned to live with it.

T once wrote a poem about himself. It runs like,

"From amidst a world of folly
Emerges a boy looking jolly
Genius of the new world is he
His name? It's simply T"

With those awesome and inspirational words left to guide you on your path, this session of STORYTIME will now conclude.

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