Wednesday 8 August 2012


((Again, this is all comedy and is not to be taken seriously))

The awesome young adult named T had just left a land known as India, where many of the less fortunate had never been to before. (Sucks to be you, Columbus)

Strangely enough, the public melancholy of departure radiated by his traveling fellows also pierced our favourite genius' normal (sorry, awesome) sangfroid and threw him into emotional chaos.

This mental turmoil, when coupled with the copious amount of unhealthy food our hero had consumed while in that mystical land, could lead to only one thing. Sickness.

And indeed, sickness did come. With the force of a great hurricane, the flu germs landed on the craggy shores that were to become the battlefield for T's health. A great war then ranged, lasting for almost a whole day, during which T wasn't entirely sure whether he was coming down with the flu or not.

However, by the end of the day, the victor was clear. The many trenches which had previously been manned by T's noble white-blooded soldiers were now littered with their drained corpses. The Germ-an artillery had broken the last line of defense, and their disease fully penetrated T's body.

Here now is the last stanza of the epic poem 'The Flu has Won'

"The war is lost
The Germ-ans have invaded
And in our white blood bathed
So begins the second Holocaust"

With these sombre words, STORYTIME Ep.2 will now conclude.

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